
Asbestos investigation, analysis

Our company has the company analysis results of about 2,000 specimens since an "asbestos Ordinance on Prevention" of 2005 establishment. "An authorized analysis engineer" by the evaluation business of the asbestos analysis technique by association of Japan work environmental measurement (crosscheck business to affect asbestos analysis) performs quick accurate analysis.
I introduce our asbestos analysis. Look at "the recent asbestos related information" in addition.

The phase difference, dispersion microscope method

A use apparatus: BX51 made in Olympus Corporation
I dye an asbestos sample and measure a fiber-formed material with a microscope.
The target material is six kinds of chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, toremoraito, lye Chino light, the Ann Sophie light.
The dip measures 3000 particles per one kind of dip using the thing of the JIS rule.

X diffraction analysis

A use apparatus: X'PertPRO made in supekutorisu company
I crush an asbestos sample and perform qualitative analysis in an X diffraction device.
The target material is six kinds of chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, toremoraito, lye Chino light, the Ann Sophie light.
Based on JIS rule, I divide 1 sample into three and analyze each.
About a microscopic result and the sample which became "the asbestos component" by a general judgment in addition, I perform "quantitative analysis" in an X diffraction device and measure an asbestos content.

Recent asbestos related information

※To the one where an asbestos content investigation has been carried out before 2008

As you know, the kind of asbestos is done with 6 materials of chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite (chrysotile refers to 3 supplies), toremoraito, akuchiraito, Ann Sophie light, (toremoraito refers to 3 supplies) with "asbestos" which the country establishes in 2005 by the asbestos establishment failure Ordinance on Prevention, and it is defined that goryo is included beyond 0.1%.
The regulation object was done with 1% or more of inclusions by the defects such as laws and ordinances concerned if lacking in knowledge for asbestos, and it was said that the object was only 3 supplies such as the chrysotile mentioned above until now.
Because I remained only in a mention of method for measurement such as the chrysotile before the revision of June, 2008 in JIS A1481 which became the ground of the analysis, there was the example that the measurement such as toremoraito was not carried out.
In other words, please be careful as a thing with the possibility to fail it by the measurement defect will exist in the current situation by the pass at the point in time when I carried out the measurement in the past.
Our company carries out all six kinds of measurement. Please see a report at hand (the past) once again.
When the building materials of the component are used asbestos across 0.1%, attention is necessary for the following laws and ordinances the dismantling, remodeling, repair when I work.
※The Air Pollution Control Act
 The submission of the required document is necessary for the metropolis and districts window within 14 days before work start.
※The Occupational Safety and Health Act (asbestos obstacle Ordinance on Prevention)
 About some work, the submission of the required document is necessary for the labor standards supervision station of the jurisdiction beforehand.
※Law about disposal of waste and the cleaning
 It is observed laws and ordinances about appropriate classification, storage, collection, transportation, disposal.
※Building Standard Act
 The removal of asbestos is required at the time of the large-scale extension and/or alteration of the building.
※Law about the recycling of resources affecting construction
 The asbestos-containing building materials perform a classification collection by a pioneer not to disturb recycling of the building waste.
※The regulations such as local governments
 The prior confirmation such as the extra regulations of the jurisdiction local government is necessary, too.
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